Monday, January 26, 2009

Inspired by how Obama's inspired America

It's been absolutely forever since I've updated this blog. A lot has happened, and not happened, to me, and I've been out of touch. But now, I feel that opportunities are arising - not just for me, but for many of us who have heard the call of service to our communities. If President Obama has any effect on us long-term, I hope it's that more Americans stop worrying so much about acquisition of wealth and think more about spreading it.

My dream as a Life Coach is to help people connect with their innate humanity and live more meaningful lives. We've lived in a culture of consumerism for so long and it's not healthy for us or the planet. So many of us have heard the call, but there are so many causes. What will we choose? The poor, the homeless, abused and hungry children, lost and helpless animals, the environment, and the list goes on. I'm just one little human being! What can I do when there's so much to be done?

I want to help people find their place and their passion - to give some guidance to help them help others. My contact info is on the blog - if you want to talk, please contact me. Together, we may possibly change the world!
