Monday, August 24, 2009


I have a spider bite on the big toe of my left foot. I often get insect bites, as I live in a natural setting and sleep with the window over my bed cracked.

It's been through several fazes now. The current one is clean, a bit red/purple, and mysterious. I have joked to my friends that I'm waiting for baby spiders to be born from my big toe.

I had a conversation with a co-worker today; she and I have the same opinion about Western medicine. We look at it askance, and think it's much ado about nothing. It exists to serve the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and is barbaric. I know several people who, if they have a twinge or an itch or a shadow of a rash, rush to the doctor. Those of us who have little or no insurance don't do that, because we can't afford it.

My co-worker agreed with me that, in our circumstances, we would never go to the doctor for a spider bite (brown recluse notwithstanding). She said that once she made peace with the fact that she was going to die someday, she no longer had a need for Western medicine. We're all going to die someday, and the doctor can't stop it. It made me think about the people I know who are doctor-addicted. They, mostly, need to be in control. You can't control death. Western medicine is a panacea for the fear of death. And it's too expensive - we die anyway.

I'm not going to die from my spider bite. My body is bent on life, and will take care of its own self. My thought is that, if we had a more natural look on life and death, we would relax and stop feeding the fear. I believe in karma and reincarnation, so it's not that difficult for me. I may have been a spider in a past life, and may be one again. Blessed be.

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